This is not your usual conversation around the dinner table. "Is demon possession happening today?" It wasn't until we had to deal with it face to face in Africa that it became a topic of deeper reflection and conversation.
One of Satan's most clever tactics is to create the illusion (especially in America) that he doesn't even exist. To put doubt in the minds of people, to make it "cool" to be scared, or to "glamorize" evil and its dangerous consequences - all the while people are treating it as child's play.
Be wise... the Bible is very clear on this topic:
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers,
against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
Don't fool yourself...
I witnessed demon-possession first hand at one of our outdoor air events. Our SWIM Team arrived at the event and to our surprise another guest had come to disrupt and to discourage. A demon-possessed man was causing a disturbance while some men were trying to temper him.
I have experienced some persecution in the past from the enemy, but this was out and out, in your face demon possession. I had asked if it would be alright if I go over and witness what was taking place. I was curious about the process and wanted to add help and prayer support.
Sammy Wanyonyi discouraged me from approaching the situation that I might be a distraction from what they were trying to accomplish. A blond white woman tends to stick out in the remote parts of Africa. I often forget I look different than most everyone else in Rwanda. (Below the choir members helped me role play the story of the ten lepers in Luke 17.)
"Why has God wired me this way? I tend to be intimated with the small insignificant things in life... but someone who is demon-possessed... I become so filled with the Spirit and faith in what God can do, that I want to preach the gospel and help save him. Go figure?"
During the time this possessed man was with us, it was brought to my attention to notice the condition of the society. They were ignoring the situation, playing it down, possibly hoping this problem would just walk away? I began to notice what the local pastors and villagers were doing to handle this demon-possessed man. It seems they were used to this type of interruption. No one was flustered nor surprised. The choir continued singing like nothing was going on.
His eyes were like nothing I had ever seen before - a slight white film seem to cover his glossy eyes- almost like he was blind, yet he seemed to see us perfectly fine. One minute the demon-possessed man would reach out to the people seeking help. He looked so lonely and miserable - and then the next minute he was picking up a large rock and doing things out of control. Five men could not even hold him down.
I kept replaying the story of the demon-possessed boy from Matthew 17 that I had preached the evening before. Jesus rebuked the demon with one command and he immediately left the boy. Our God is a mighty powerful God and all bow to his command - even the demons are afraid of Him. Amen!
The question I walk away is this:
Are we praying for those that are so emptied of God that the invitation is open for evil to come and reside?
Where is our heartfelt sympathy for those that are lost?
Do we bleed for those that are imprisoned in their own evil?
After he continued in crude behavior, I sadly watched this man get dragged away and then the village people begin to dance and rejoice like nothing I had ever seen before.
I was confident God was going to do something GREAT in the presence of evil - and He did! Sammy preached the gospel message and many came to Christ.
Since that day I have often prayed for that man who was bound by demons. He wasn't in a physical prison like I normally see, but he was bound in his own personal hell by the enemy.
I believe through our prayers,
this man and many others will be released through the
Why take the risk? If you suspect demonic activity, what could it hurt to ask a Christian to pray with you in authority of Jesus name to be completely set free!
"Almighty Father,
Help me to... Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them. (Ephesians 5:11)
I submit myself to you, God. Empower me to resist the devil, and let him flee from me. Help me to come near to you, God, and in your Word You promise to come near to me. (James 4:7-8)
Help me to humble myself before You and to rest in your promise to lift me up! (James 4:10)
I am sorry for my sins, I believe you died for me, I need you in my life, make me new again, seal me with the Holy Spirit and help me to walk in Your ways!
In the Name of Jesus I pray.
(We will be praying a similar prayer at the prison this weekend after the message on James 4:1-12 "Resisting the Devil 101." Please pray for total surrender.)