Monday, May 21, 2012

Prison Ministry: Breathless in Colorado

MAJESTIC! I have just returned from the beautiful Rocky Mountains in Estes Park, where I was attending the Colorado Christian Writer's Conference

As a first time attender, I was initially intimated by the enormous task that I believe God has placed on my heart. Completion of the book (working title), "Rock'n The Rebels":  Revitalizing Church In Women's Prisons.

Throughout the four days I met with authors, agents and various publishing houses. The prestigious speakers not only encouraged and inspired me, but also challenged my call to "Write His Answer." This is a tough topic for a tough audience. A select few are called to prison ministry, but for those who are... we need to rise up and serve God with excellence!

Was I overwhelmed with this publishing beast? Embarrassingly yes. It hit me while I was walking outside from one session to the next. There I was looking down at the sidewalk becoming more deflated with each step I took. I was blinded by the light of my immure abilities against such accomplished writers. It was like comparing young David against the mammoth Goliath. Unexpectedly, I stopped mid stride, I could feel the doubt quickly suffocating my future. (Or perhaps that was the high altitude making me breathless?) I raised my eyes to see where I was going and there it was... right in front of me was this incredible masterpiece I was truly seeing for the first time...

The majesty of God's creation. Why do we miss what is so obviously right in front of us? This should be a great visual reminder for all of us as God gently comforts us; "Don't worry, surrender to this process to Me." "Allow Me, the Creator Himself, to move whatever mountains are in front of you... if it is My will, it will be done!"

May I encourage you that this is not a passive process nor an excuse to hide behind your faith. We must have faith and work together WITH Christ. Not too long ago, God impressed on my heart; "Get the book done!"

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God Reigns!"  Isaiah 52:7

Confidently in Christ,


  1. The view of those massive trees is amazing. When we see something like that how can we ever doubt God's power to work in us to accomplish His will. Your post was quite an encouragement for me. I've got a couple things in the fire and I feel so ill equipped and sometimes tempted to just do nothing. But what a shame that would be. Thanks for this post!!

  2. You go girl! You get that book done. :) And I'm so pleased to hear that you work with prison ministry. My husband is actively involved in prison ministry for men, and I look forward to doing something similar with women someday.

    Did you happen to see David Rupert of the at the retreat? I'm an editor there, and David was our representative at the event.

    Glad you've linked with
