Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Waiting is rough! All of us have something we are waiting for whether in prison or not.

Waiting for lawyers, court decisions, boot camp acceptance, waiting to get released... waiting for answers to your prayers?

Time seems to drag on when you are waiting... "How do I wait on the Lord and what do I do while I am waiting?" This question has been brought up many times, no matter where you are in the world.

God gives us direction on waiting...

"What NOT to do while you are waiting?"

"Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." 
2nd Corinthians 4:16

"What DOES waiting ACHIEVE?"

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 
2nd Corinthians 4:17

Not a moment of suffering is wasted. God knows your pain and your suffering. He knows your heart and when you get weary. He knew you before you were even born, he knows your name and that you are waiting.

Will you rise - up and grab ahold of the promise that awaits you?

Your troubles will never seem momentary or light, we weren't promised an easy life as a Christian, but God did promise he will comfort, guide, empower and love us in the middle of our troubles. For our lives are a short mist or vapor compared to the future eternal hope that awaits you when you put your faith in Jesus Christ!

"What DO I DO while I am waiting?"

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but that is unseen is eternal." 
2nd Corinthians 4:18


  1. Refuse to get discouraged. Are you frustrated? Don't lose heart, remind yourself that you are created perfectly and with great purpose for God. Get back on track and...
  2. Grasp the purpose waiting achieves. How can this situation be used to glorify God? Use this opportunity to glorify Christ in you. The world will give you trouble, but you are resurrected and made new in Christ. So...
  3. Fix your eyes on Jesus. What do you focus on in the middle of your struggle? Ask yourself; "How Big is my problem? How Big is my God?" My God is so big and so strong and so mighty, there is nothing my God cannot do!

Waiting upon the Lord is an action... rise-up and use this time to get busy for God!

1 comment:

  1. SEPTEMBER 2013

    Jill and Terry Eckersley are blessed and doing great, we celebrated my 52nd birthday with our dear friends and strategic partners at UCB with team and Jjohn and team. It was such a blessing to be with people who truly love us and celebrate us, not tolerate us! We would encourage you to also live the same. After a time of celebrating over a meal, cake, candles and sharing stories on my way back to our room I was being broadcast via UCBs Hearts Wide Open TV Show. Isn't it amazing now how we can share The Gospel and our testimonies of how Jesus is still in the business of ransoming, healing, restoring and forgiving people?

    I was awoken with the words, Terry's on television last week, I was sharing " it's time to flourish" again via UCB TV God-spots,! We have visited 3 Prisons in the last quarter and seen many people come to faith in Christ and turn there lives over to Him, this has been so moving, exciting, and an honour. We are continuing to visit Prisons, and announce a really exciting initiative. We have produced a DVD That is a resource for Chaplains in UK Prisons to start with. This DVD COVERS salvation, apprenticeship/discipleship and biblical keys I applied to allow Gods great plan unfold in my life, it encourages the viewer to do the same. I will share an endorsement from a Prison Chaplain and JJohn, who I'm an associate minister and he's a coaching/mentoring friend.

    We are also looking forward to meetings across the UK and Europe with bookings now into 2014, you can see these events on section of our website, it would be great to see you at one if you can make it and we are in your area.

    We are pressured for funds to complete this project,!
    £2000.00 needed to start distribution
    Could you please consider and action giving into the DVD initiative, this is an amazing opportunity to help bring a spiritual awakening into our Prisons and the least of these with the Gospel. When God gets hold of someone who needs much forgiveness they really do serve Him then with much love and become world shakers and history makers. You can send cheques, give me a call, donate online, it's safe, secure and through Christian Stewardship Services, we are accountable and transparent.

    You may want to support us on a monthly basis, we/you can get gift aid on all donations.
    Thanks for ALL you ARE and DO, we continue to pray the victory of Jesus and The Cross into every area of your lives.
    It means so much to me to know that you have such a great heart for the Lost the Least and the Broken. Every one of the people that you spoke with the last time you came for a visit felt very blessed and that you really did care for them. Thanks also for the wonderful news re the Chaplains resource pack. Wow, what a blessing.
    May the Lord richly bless you.
    Yours in Christ
    Rev. Shawn Verhey

    Anglican Co-ordinating Chaplain HMP YOI Thorn Cross Arley Road Appletonthorn
