Friday, February 21, 2014


I stand in awe of the power of Jesus Christ. There is indeed a revival going on in prison. All baptisms should have this type of celebration.

IT WAS LIKE THE SUPERBOWL. There was clapping and shouting, what a celebration!

I am reminded of Malachi 3 where the floodgates were opened and the blessings from heaven overflowed. The prison gym was transformed, there were flickering plastic candles, drying mats that lined the area and fresh flower pots that surrounded the large baptismal tub. We placed the chairs in a U-shape around the tub for all to witness.

Wow, every prayer lifted was answered. We held two back-to-back services and baptized "full immersion" 70 inmates. Because of prayer and persistence, this was the FIRST EVER immersion baptism in this prison. The Prison Chaplain was extremely happy how the team organized it and brought it all together. God worked it seamlessly. It was absolutely beautiful...

One Prison Team member who held the I.D. badges for the inmates while they were being baptized, describes her experience. 
"As I was holding their badge I would look at their prison photo and see either an angry, sad, or scared face. I was in awe as I watched the baptism experience change the reality of their faces. When they were immersed for the baptism it like a silvery liquid flowing over their faces and they rose up now beautiful, happy and so different from their prison badges."

Amazing! As I helped each woman in the tub, there was a mix of emotions. Some were nervous, some scared, others crying. I gently whispered... 
"Enjoy the moment, Jesus has been waiting for you." 
You could see the Holy Spirit just drape them at that moment in peace. When they professed their faith in Jesus Christ, the crowd went NUTS with cheering and applause for each woman. At the conclusion of their baptism, you could see the relief on their faces when I reminded them; 
"Your old life is gone, buried in baptism. You are washed and resurrected a NEW WOMAN in Christ. Now GO, and live a life victorious in Christ." 

All 200 witnesses throughout both services were cheering, clapping, celebrating and shouting "Hallelujah!" at each woman's baptism.
I wish you could have seen it! You could feel Christ's love resonate throughout the prison. 

At the conclusion of both services, I offered an opportunity for the witnesses to receive Christ through a prayer of salvation. We again had a front row seat to watch many more inmates cross over from death to life. Several inmates came up to me afterwards asking; 
"Shug, when is the next baptism, I want to be baptized in Christ!" 

It just doesn't get any better than this!

Lord, I am available anytime, anywhere in the world to help prepare hearts and do this again!


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